Not THAT kind of furry-scary. Actually, that's pretty accurate...
The PAGE group saw a furry, fun and rather scary Coreheim 3-way game Sunday night at the studio in downtown Philly, for what we hope is an ongoing trend in the club: steady forays into Mordheim.
Edit: See The Goblin perspective on Jason's Fine Blog SOuND OFF
Steven (Skaven) Jason (Goblins) and myself (Undead) knocked the dust off of our ancient Mordheim understandings and grafted on the fresh changes that Coreheim brings to the blasted lands of Mordheim in a gorgeous row that ambled about the board like a true monster. Rawr.
I brought my original Mordheim demo board that I built in... 2001? Stephen brought a great building ruin and I threw in my original cardstock Mordheim terrain. We elected for a king-of-the-hill scenario, winner controls the top floor of the center building. Crap! Zombies climb at Initiative 1!
View from the Undead deployment area. The Skaven deployed opposite and the Goblins to the right. The objective was to hold to third floor of the tallest ruin for 3 turns.
View of "the surface"
To get us up to speed, Ichabod and Ozzy, ghoulkin followers of the Vampire Lord, discuss their experiences following their Master into the crypts of Mordheim...
Ozzy: Uuuuugh, where am I? What happened?
Ichabod: You’ve been unconscious for hours. You’re bleeding from your eyes and ears and you are still a moron.
Ozzy: Is that good?
Ichabod: Sure, why not.
Ozzy: They took my shield. Then my net. Then my club. Then… my pants for some reason? But why?
Ichabod: Right. Just sit there and let me get through this. No, there. Sit! There! SIT!
Ozzy: Whose pants am I wearing now? Are these my pants?!?
Ichabod: Silence! Our lair was invaded. So when we got to the lower crypt, the Necromancer raised 7 zombies and sent them into the shadows of the ruins after the squeeks and snarls we heard in the dark, the Skaven interlopers. The zombies ignored the trauma to their putrid flesh as rocks rained down from the broken façade. Suddenly…
Ozzy: OH!
Ichabod: Shut up! Suddenly, we heard clamoring behind us as that wretched greenskin fungus known as goblin followed down the main stairs with spears, shield and all manner of savage intent. They must’ve followed us from the hinterlands!
Ozzy: Why are my knickers filled with gravel?
Ichabod: That’s normal. So no sooner had the vermin lord skittered to the top of the ruins, exalting his claim on our territory, did our Master surge forward like a magnificent blur, incensed, his warspear wickering against the 3 vermin warriors that cowered at the base of the ruins. The dire wolves flanked around the left side of the ruins to trap the Skaven in the middle while the damned goblins hurled insults and arrows our way from the right. We couldn’t stop the Skaven as they crawled up through the ruins, they were too fast!
Ozzy: I named those mean doggys Rash Mouth and Drippy. I remember our Master was hit in the groin and belly and laid down on his back. A lot. And the Rat Ogre seemed nice...
Ichabod: Ssshh. Anyway, that usurper Necromancer called upon dark magics beyond life to make himself more powerful.
Ozzy: It smelled like toast and boom-boom.
Ichabod: Our Master kept rising up over and over and over, to the horror of the ratmen until he ran one Skaven through! The ratmen despaired to see their warrior writhing in the agony of death! Our Master refused to slake his thirst on such dirty blood! The vicious Rat Ogre continued to fight in the zombie throng, hurling corpses to and fro.
Ozzy: Zombie thong? You talk funny words.
Ichabod: I’m glad you’re bleeding again. The Necromancer pressed the zombies in with whispered words to protect our fallen Master. The goblins were so excited to fight that they literally cartwheeled down the slopes, crashing to the crypt floor, a clatter of weapons and curses!
Ozzy: Then what?
Ichabod: Then the damned goblins got closer and a wild Skaven jumped three stories down onto a Dire wolves back, stabbing and biting it.
Ozzy: Whoa, that is amazing. You put different pants back on me?
Ichabod: That was about the time I fell down the slope trying to help The Master. Then a crazy-ass Skaven doffed you cold as you looked at shiny stuff on the ground.
Ozzy: Gravel is shiny.
Ichabod: No it isn’t. The Rat Ogre drove off the Necromancer and zombies. The dire wolves followed the Master as we slipped into the catacombs. The Ghoul chortled at the both of us and made off with your pants.
Ozzy: And the goblins? The ratmen?
Ichabod: They are still fighting. The Skaven lord still holds the ruins. The Master is not pleased.
Ozzy: I’m itchy where a sexually active person is.
Ichabod: I hate you.
Undead Summary: 4 zombies destroyed, Ozzy KO'd and robbed of all equipment. The Vampire showed stupid toughness which was good. They found 2 shards of Wyrdstone, one cashed in for a Talisman for the Necromancer. 2 pieces of gold and 1 shard left in the coffin, er, coffer.
Goblin Summary: They fell down a slope, wounded the Rat Ogre and killed a large rat. +1 WS to spear henchmen, +1 BS to archer henchmen, talisman to shaman. Solid second place finish.
Skaven Summary: 1 warrior dead, one large rat lost, one wound on the Rat ogre and a crap ton of advances plus Wyrdstone. Steven elected not to cash in or explore. Overall, the big winner of the night, holding the objective and getting a ton of loot for little loss.