Monday, June 18, 2012

Strange Aeons WIP: Ritual Site

I dug out an old GW foam-molded terrain piece I inherited from my buddy Wil. I'm not doing a whole how-to now but I wanted to share WIP shots. I basically cleaned it, trimmed a bunch of stuff off of it to make room for 2" bases, spray painted it with water-based spray paint and went about making it look best I could with an extensive repaint. More later about that but on with the pics...

The seething cauldron/portal/whatever

A plastic Cthulhu statue I bronzed and added gem eyes to. Honestly, he kinds looks awake right here...


Joe Kopena said...

I think the vortex pool came out pretty sweet.

I also really liked the grainy statue pic. I thought it was out of a movie at first!

Yeti's Yell said...

That is the macro mode on the camera in low light with a painting from a page in a Ralph McQuarrie book behind it.

styx said...

Where is the plastic cthulu from?

Yeti's Yell said...

Hey Styx,

The Cthulhu statue is from a "Bag of Cthulhu" put out by Fantasy Flight games. You can usually get the bag for less than $20 and has small, medium and large Cthulhu inside. The bigger ones are handy for statues and the smaller for objective markers and the like. My buddy Pete built a mansion and added the small ones to random shelves.