Saturday, July 2, 2011

Terminus Est WIP: Primed

I think it's starting to look suitably wicked now...


Joe Kopena said...

That thing has a huge prow launch bay... God knows what could come out of that.

Yeti's Yell said...

Terminus Est launches 9 squadrons of fighters/bombers/assault boats a turn.

Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms said...

That's insane! Hey, did you see my earlier post? Can you help me with that gold paint scheme? Please? :)

Yeti's Yell said...

Hey Joe, you got it my man. I made a post out of your request, see most recent. Sorry for the delay, I'm on vacation at the NJ shore and I had to recreate the paintlist from memory before posting. Let me know how it goes!