Friday, May 30, 2014

Warhammer 40K: First 7th edition game


Well, my buddy Joe sums it up better than I could, as far as real insightful thoughts go on the first 7th edition 40K game of the year. He is a seasoned 40k player across the last few editions and me, not so much. We share sentiments.

There are some pics of the match too. It was fun but man did it turn into a study group pretty fast... hence some dazed expressions easily and accurately perceived as bewilderment too...


Joe Kopena said...

"Ok, my psyker's going to roll on the emo table, and he comes up with... forced ambivalence: This is a blessing that allows the target models to shrug their shoulders and concentrate their visual focus on what's going on behind you, rather than you, as you talk to them."

Yeti's Yell said...

Perils of the Warp result... Damn! The Cure just manifested next to my HQ and are performing Fascination Street...